Surname comparison error
Charles Kosh was born in Hungary. His birthname is Kos Károly (surname and then given name). He immigrated to the United States and "Americanized" his name. Both names are listed on his person page. Data Consistency in the Summary compares the surname Kos with the given name Károly, but each record lists his surname as Kos.
His christening record lists his name in one line, and editing shows that Kos is entered in the surname field.
Is the algorithm set to compare the person to the source as "first name, second name" or as "given name, surname"?
It actually calls another service that does name analysis and tries to break up a name into 1 or more given names and 1 or more surnames. It does well with names in many languages but it's not perfect, and this may be a case that it does not cover. Although it is not shown in the messages, you do get partial credit if a given name matches one of your surnames and vice versa. Thanks for pointing this out.
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Hungary is currently out of the scope of this project. However, the tree person will benefit from the work we are doing in PQS-40 where we will start giving credit if the person has a matching alternate name. Thank you for your feedback.