Zürich - census - 1860&1870 - viewable?
The national census data (roughly all 10 years) you may be used to from the USA don't exist in Switzerland. You will have to look for other sources - and they will in most cases be different for different cantons (states).
Address books for the city of Zürich are online for the time period you are looking for - but these are obvioulsy much less informative than census data (check "Bevölkerungsverzeichnis" in German). There are also "Bürgerregister" - but not describing the status at a given time.
I recommend you ask specifically what you are looking for (not a certain type of source). Please, start a new topic for this, if possible following my suggestion on https://community.familysearch.org/de/discussion/129680/what-title-would-be-best-for-postings for the topic title.
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I had forgotten to link to my text Sources for genealogical research in canton Zürich.
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I have now summarized the basics of Bürgerregister and Zivilstandsregister on https://community.familysearch.org/de/discussion/comment/517332/#Comment_517332. For 1860-1870 it is the Bürgerregister you want to look at - unfortunately (to my knowledge) nothing online for canton Zürich - and they seem to be kept at different places as well 🤔.
As mentioned: place of living (what you expect in census data) usually doesn't help - you need to know the place of citizenship ... might be identical, but doesn't have to.
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Wolf Seelentag. Thank you for your past and current info. Since I corresponded with you a couple years ago I’ve learned from Canton Graubunden archives the name of my grandfather Jecklin’s (born 1866 in Chur, emigrated to USA in 1880s) biological father. His biological father was Jacob Thurr, a tailor from Zurich. Now I am interested to know more about JT and locate, if possible, any of JT’s descendants.
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Not sure if important - but it puzzles me:
1) Thürr is an old Chur family (citizens since before 1800). Family members could have lived somewhere else, of course.
2) Whilst we don't have "census" data, several Zürich address books are online - separating Bürger (citizens) and Niedergelassene (resident non-citizens with permission). Neither 1861 nor 1864 nor 1868 I find Thürr in either category. So I would be careful with the assumption he was from the city(!) of Zürich.
You could enquire ate the Zürich City Archives whether they have any Thürr documented roughly in the 1860ies (in case he lived there only a very short time, missing the printed registers).