What title would be best for postings?
It is not really feasible to fix a certain format for titles for all sorts of discussions in this community. On the other hand, most postings are requests for reading help, frequently in church records. To stick to a certain structure for these postings would help IMHO:
1) Readers (= potential helpers) will immediately see some detail, and can decide whether they could help - or better wait for comments from others first.
2) It would help to find a certain post for later follow-ups more easily (a title like "Translation help please" doesn't really help here). This reason would not apply if the search feature worked efficiently - unfortunately it doesn't (https://community.familysearch.org/en/discussion/127977/full-text-search-for-german-speaking-users).
Conclusion: I don't want to introduce rules - which I couldn't anyway 😉 - but propose a certain structure with reading help questions from church records (which possibly could be adapted for other documents):
1) Parish (e.g. Winterthur).
2) Type of record (e.g. marriage).
3) Year (e.g. 1755).
4) Surname(s) involved (e.g. Blum&Graf).
5) Additional keyword (e.g. groom's occupation).
The title following this structure would then be e.g.
Winterthur - marriage - 1755 - Blum&Graf - groom's occupation.
What do you think?
Let me quote the first three reactions - two explicitly, one implicitly:
This is fantastic. Thank you so much! I have copied your suggested title format for future use and appreciate anything that helps others to offer assistance.
I like your proposal for the names of new discussion threads. It is easier to access and understand the nature of the thread at a quick glance.
https://community.familysearch.org/de/discussion/129742/kirchdorf-baptism-1779-kueenzi-place-name: the suggestion was just adopted - without comment.
So … if you don't want to comment, just adopting my suggestion is fine with me as well 😉.
I would just like to repeat explicitly: this suggestion is meant for reading help requests for a single document. If a longer discussion results from this, the title may not longer be optimal - but changing the title is not possible, at least not for "ordinary people" (like me).
However, if you are trying to start a discussion on a family in general, a title like "Zollikofer family of St.Gallen" would be appropriate - even if the discussion may not become as extensive as https://www.geneal-forum.com/phpbb/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=272.
I feel, a "community" should also be a place for more general discussions … and here a title should be chosen describing the topic unambiguously in a few words.