Reading a Passport Record
@atccn atccn "Vive da sua agencia" is something I have seen many times, and it means that the person lives from their business, from their estate or any other financial resources obtained or inherited
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@atccn atccn Could you please share the link for that document that says "vive da sua agencia"?
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@RicardoLindengrun RicardoLindengrun the expression is found in many Portuguese records. But just in case, I have asked @atccn atccn to share the link for the record just to make sure the reading is correct.
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Following line 10 there's a bit missing:
"culino por nome Bernardino de
Resendes, d'edade de quarenta e um
annos," ...
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@atccn atccn TRANSLATION
On the 19th of June 1881 due to an accident on Rua da Garrida (Street) in this parish of the Apostle of the Savior, county of Vila do Porto in the Island of Santa Maria Diocese of Angra, passed away without receiving the sacraments of the Holy Church, an individual of the male gender, by the name of Bernardino de Resendes, 41 years of age, worker, married to Umbelina Izabel, from this parish, residing at Ribeira do Engenho, legitimate son of João Bernardo, worker, from the city of Angra do Heroismo, and Anna Jacintha, housekeeper, from this parish, did not have a will; left 4 children and was buried at the public cemetery.
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@Adilia Mata Here it is: I'm looking at the entry for Marianna, no. 16. The phrase is used to describe the godfather, Manuel di Souza Bettencourt. By the way, I also often see the phrase "onde foram recebidos." The translation is "where they were received," but I'm guessing that it's a figure of speech. It usually referred to a married couple - does it mean where they were married? Thanks.
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@atccn atccn yes, it means they were married which is quite useful because it tells us where they married. Well done you!
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@atccn atccn I just checked the record. Your reading was super correct. "vive da sua agencia".
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@Adilia Mata I've been working on this death record: Entry no. 10, Anna Jacintha. I understand about half of it; I put what I've translated below. It looks like someone came back after the fact and wrote some more information between the lines, so I'm having a hard time reading some of it. Thanks as always for any help you can provide.
On the third day of the month of September of the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three, at seven o'clock in the morning, at home, on the site of the Alto do Nascencia, died, having received the sacraments of the Holy Mother Church, an individual of the feminine sex, by name Anna Jacintha, aged seventy-eight, ??? João Bernardo ??? legitimate daughter of Francisco ?, worker, and of Ignacia Bernadina, domestic servant, natural of the island of Terceira, and from the said parish of São Pedro (?), and had a will and ? children ??? Era et supra (Latin; date as above). Vicar Jose Ignacio...
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viuva de João Bernardo empregada no serviço domestico - Widow of João Bernardo employed as domestic servant
filha legitima de Francisco Joaquim
e deixou filhos - and left children
Foi sepultada no cemiterio publico. E para constar lavrei em duplicado este assento que assignei.
between the lines (entrelinha)
a entrelinha Nesta freguesia do Apostolo Sao Pedro Concelho da Villa do Porto Ilha de Santa Maria Diocese d'Angra
This confirms the information added between lines in the beginning of the record.
Hope this helps.
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Completely agree
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"onde foram recebidos."
This is a very common statement and I never quite understood its meaning.
Thanks for the clarification.
Best regards
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Hoops. Sorry.
Seems you survived that. 😁
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Thanks, @RicardoLindengrun RicardoLindengrun. I've been working on this death record, which I've more or less been able to translate. (No. 5, João Bernardo). I have just two questions: 1) Can anyone make out the parents' names? All I can get is "filho de _____ e de Roza e Narcisa." 2) Immediately after that, there is a phrase that looks like "ignorasse a sua naturalidade," which would seem to translate as "ignore his naturalness." Am I reading it correctly? If so, what does that mean? I'd appreciate any help, and I'd be glad to know if there are any mistakes in my translation.
"On the eighteenth day of the month of June of the year one thousand eight hundred seventy-two, in this parish church of the apostle São Pedro, county of Vila do Porto and island of Santa Maria, diocese of Angra, at seven o'clock in the morning, in Alto do Nascente, died, having received the sacraments of the Holy Mother Church, an individual of the masculine sex, by name João Bernardo, of sixty-eight years of age, married to Anna Jacintha, a natural of the city of Angra, resident of the said place of Alto do Nascente, son of ? and of Roza e Narcisa (?), ignore his naturalness, who did not leave a will, left six children, and was buried in the public cemetery. And for the record I made this entry in duplicate and signed it. Date as above."
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Hello @atccn atccn
Perfect translation.
For the parents names "filho de Pai oculto, e de Roza Narcisa, ignora-se a sua naturalidade" I would translate it to "son of a hidden Father and Roza Narcisa, their naturalness is ignored".
1) "Pai oculto" (hidden Father) or more commonly "Pai desconhecido" (Unknown father) , means that the father did not assume the paternity of the son for some reason.
2) "ignorasse a sua naturalidade," ("ignora-se a sua naturalidade" in current Portuguese). I assume the birth place of Roza Narcisa is unknown, because the father is already unknown.
Hope I could help
Best regards
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if you don't mind me, @atccn atccn and @RicardoLindengrun RicardoLindengrun the phrase ""ignora-se a sua naturalidade" has nothing to do with the father of the deceased being unknown.
We need to consider that the info on a death record may have been given by a relative of the deceased, or a neighbour, a friend, an associate, etc and it may happen that the person might not have known all the information required. Or that even the priest could not remember...
Sometimes there are mistakes relating to age, parentage, or even place of birth.
However, in this situation we have a place of birth for the deceased and researching his baptism record might give us the mother's parish and hopefully a little bit more info on her. 😃
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Thanks, @Adilia Mata - that makes more sense. I do have the name of the father from other records, so I think in this case "pai oculto" just means that the priest had a poor informant (or a poor memory). Anyway, I managed to find the marriage record for João and his wife, which I have attempted to translate. I understand the beginning and most of the end, but there's a large section in the middle that contains many words and phrases that I'm unfamiliar with. Here is the record: (the record in the upper left-hand corner), and here is what I have so far:
"On November 13th, 1825, at five in the morning, in the parish of São Pedro on the island of Santa Maria, and in the presence of Antonio de Bairo, married, and resident of the Ribera do Engenho, and of Matthias Curvelo, also married, and resident of the Alto do Nascente, places in the said parish...
... João Bernardo, born in the parish of the Apostle São Pedro of the city of Angra, Terceira island, ???, son of Antonio Bernardo, and of his wife Roza Narciza, with Anna Jacinta, natural of the parish of the Apostle São Pedro (the aforesaid parish of São Pedro), of the aforesaid island of Santa Maria, and daughter of Francisco Jose de Rezende, already deceased, and of his wife Ignacia Bernadina, resident of the said place of Alto do Coninta (?)...."
Any help in filling in the blanks would be greatly appreciated. (I also wouldn't mind someone checking my translation: five in the morning seems like an awfully strange time to hold a wedding.) Thanks! (For the record, I deleted a post of mine from earlier today because it was incorrect.)
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At all @ [Adilia Mata]
You're right.
This information may refer to Roza Narcisa or the deceased himself.
Note that line 13 "native to the city of Angra" can refer to the deceased or his wife Anna Jachinta.
And I totally agree with you. There is enough information to find other records that can clarify the issue.
best regards
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Hello @atccn atccn
I can help you with the words but not very much with the meaning.
This is very different from the way marriage records are written in mainland Portugal, especially the south where most of my family come from.
Maybe someone with experience with the Azores records as @Adilia Mata can help you.
... Testemunhas proprias do acto, feitas as Denuncias do estylo nas quatro freguesias que somente há nesta ilha, Desobrigados á Quaresma do presente anno nesta sua respectiva parochial, e de proximo Examinado da Dotrina Christâ com as mais solemnidades, que constam do Reverendo Cavidor?, que fica neste Archivo, e de que os Contrahentes pagaram o sello Regio ruebi in faria Euteria a Joam Bernardo ...
... Witnesses proper to the act, made the Denunciations of the style in the four parishes that only exist on this island, released from Lent this year in their respective parochial, and the next Examiner of Dotrina Christâ with the most solemnities, which appear in the Reverend Cavidor ?, which is in this Archive, and that the Contractors paid the seal Regio ruebi in would Euteria to Joam Bernardo ...
... e deste Bispado ...
... and this Bishopric ...
... Logo levaram as Benções do Ritual Romano, e para que tudo conste faço este assento , que assigno com as sobreditas testemunhas.
... So they took the Blessings of the Roman Ritual, and for the record, I make this record, which I assign with the above mentioned witnesses.
Best regards
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Thanks, @RicardoLindengrun RicardoLindengrun. I think we got all the genealogical information out, so I'm not too worried about the rest, which seems to be more or less liturgical. (If, for instance, @Adilia Mata understands it, I'd of course be glad to hear about it.) I'm currently trying to figure out this death record: (second from the top on the left-hand page, Francisco José). This is the oldest record I've identified to date, and it seems that the further back in time I go, the more my already-limited understanding of Portuguese handwriting diminishes. It seems that a lot of the phrasing is different from the other death records I've worked with. (There's also a note in the margin that I can't read.) I've translated about half of it, and I've put that part below. Any help in completing the translation and/or in checking what I have so far would be, as always, greatly appreciated.
On 23 October 1812, died of the present life with the Divine Sacraments ?, and at the age of thirty years, a little more or less, Francisco José, worker, married to Ignacia Bernardina, parishioners of this parish church of the Apostle São Pedro of the island of Santa Maria, settlers of the Alto do Nascente, a place in this parish. [He] did not make a will because he was poor...
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@atccn atccn
You did great.
I read On November 13th, 1825, in the morning, not at 5am
and where you stop above it says
"testemunhas proprias do acto, feitas as denunciações do estylo nas quatro Fregue/zias que somente há nesta Ilha, Desobrigados a Quaresma do presente anno nesta / sua respectiva parochial, e de proximo examinados da Doutrina Christã, / com as mais solemnidades, que constam do Mandado do Reverendo Ouvidor, que / fica neste Archivo, e de que os Contrahentes pagaram o sello Regio recebi in / facie Ecclesia a"
The above transcription contains the formal and technical language of legal documents at the time, i.e., legalese
the witnesses stated were there as witnesses to this act (of marriage), denunciations of the (required) style were done in the four parishes that exist on the island, with both (bride and groom) having been "absolved" at Lent in the current year in this respective parish, and were examined in their knowledge of the Christian Doctrine with all the solemnities (I assume it means all the formalities required), as stated by the Mandate of the Reverend Auditor, that will remain in this archive (parish archive), the contracting party (meaning bride and groom) have paid the Royal seal, I have received (in marriage) in facie ecclesia (latin expression commonly used to say before the church)
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@RicardoLindengrun RicardoLindengrun the legalese in this document can be found to a certain extent in other regions of mainland Portugal
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@atccn atccn On 23rd October 1812, died from the present life with the needed (the word is necessários, written with a long S) Divine Sacraments, and at the age of thirty years, more or less, Francisco José, worker, married to Ignacia Bernardina, parishioners of this parish church of the Apostle São Pedro of the island of Santa Maria, residing at the Alto do Nascente, a place in this parish. [He] did not make a will because he was poor, however his said wife has ordered his burial, which had the attendance of the priests of this same parish, where he was buried at the expenses of the parish (sepultado em cova da fabrica) for which his said wife is obliged to offer the customary alms, and has requested for 20 masses to be celebrated.
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Thanks so much, @Adilia Mata - that's very helpful. I found the marriage record for Francisco and Ignacia, which more or less seems to follow the same pattern as the previous marriage record. I've put what I have so far below, but I've been having difficulty with some of the names. Any assistance with this document would be very much appreciated. (the one in the upper left-hand corner).
When I write the first part of the translation, it marks my post "pending review." I don't know why. I will therefore omit the first part of my translation.
... and examined in the Christian Doctrine...
... of this church, Antonio José... facie ecclesia Francisco José de Rezendes, son of Belxior [Melchior?] de Rezendes, and of his wife Ignez Francisca, naturals of the parish of Santa Barbara, with Ignacia Bernardina, daughter of José de ??? his wife Genovefa Roza, a natural of this parish of the Apostle São Pedro: So they took the blessings of the Roman Ritual, ???.
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You are absolutely right.
Although it depend on several factors such as the date before witch it was not mandatory. I read somewhere that the records where normalized only recently (1800). What is new for me is the way they are written. For instance "Desobrigados a Quaresma" I understand the words but not the meaning and "having been "absolved" at Lent" is far from been the literal translation of if.
I'm glad you can give me some new knowledge.
Best regards
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@RicardoLindengrun RicardoLindengrun Glad to be of help
Quaresma is lent. And people had to confess the previous weeks. The priest had a register for the confessions in the parish specifically for that period of time. And to get married they had to prove they had been absolved. It was part of the requirements. The registers are called Rol de Confessados. Not many survived, unfortunately.
Here's a link for what I wrote on the subject
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Another expression I'm seeing for the first time "facie Ecclesia" and I would know it would be translated to "before the church".
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Hello @Adilia Mata
I have no idea of the existence of those kind of books/records.
I have never seen anything similar for the south (Algarve - Aljezur/Alvor/Lagos; Setubal; Sines).
Not even the reference of the priest take any measure to be assure that the groom and bride have done that.
Even in the more modern and standardized models of record.
And it's a shame because that information could be very useful.
Best regards
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@Adilia Mata and @RicardoLindengrun RicardoLindengrun - Actually, don't worry about the marriage record above: I think I have all the genealogical information, and I'm not going to waste your time translating the rest of it. The marriage record helped me find the baptismal record for Francisco, which is a much higher priority for me. Here it is: It's in the top left-hand corner. Any help in completing or checking the translation would be, as always, greatly appreciated. My partial translation is as follows:
"Francisco, legitimate son of Melchior de Rezendes and of Ignez Francisca, naturals of this parish of Santa Barbara of this island of Santa Maria...Paternal grandson of Jose da Melho...Rosario...Maternal [grandson] of Jose de Souza ? Marianna Roza, all naturals of this ? parish. Born on 11 October 1783 and baptized in this parish on the seventeenth day of the said month in the presence [?] of Ignacio Jose Toledo..."
There's just something remarkable about reading about a blood ancestor in a document that was written during the time of the American Revolution. I never would have been able to do it without help from both of you, and for that help I am very much grateful.