Would someone confirm the spelling of Maria Joanna STEURS, right side 3rd entry. Death record died O
Paul- Marc,
Thank you.. I keep going with everyone's help
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Carla, tribus bannis 😁
Well even when I married there was a bilboard at the town hall a notification that Me and the Mss would be married ;-) every body was notified! wel Super or tribus bannis was 3 dates usually that it was announced before the town hall that the couple be married. Be careful if you have an act that says sponsalia that means a marriage bann (not a prenuptial), then matrimonium is a wedding act and usually is a few days or weeks later 😁
I hope this clears it up 😎
Kind regards
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So, Werner, basically 'Tribus Bannis' is the legal previous notification of the upcoming marriage,3 or 10 before the wedding. Het bestaat vandaag eigenlijk nog wel denk ik?
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Not to my knowledge Adrie ;-)
Voordat een huwelijk werd ingezegd, werd het voornemen van de huwelijkskandidaten drie maal afgeroepen in de kerk, opdat iedereen de gelegenheid had om bezwaar te maken. Zo'n afkondiging wordt gewoonlijk een roep genoemd. Gedurende de besloten tijd werd vaak dispensatie gegeven voor een of meerdere roepen. In de huwelijksregisters vinden we dat terug in de vorm van aantekeningen zoals cum dispensatione in bannis, cum dispensatione in tribus bannis of cum dispensatione in 3tia proclamatione. Een enkele maal wordt het ook wel kerkgebod genoemd, maar hiermee bedoelt met gewoonlijk de afroepen wegens bijvoorbeeld beslagleggingen, die eveneens bij de kerk gebeurden.
Een dispensatie voor de roepen buiten de besloten tijd kan een aanwijziging zijn dat er haast moest worden gemaakt met het huwelijk. Een van de redenen is een (hoog)zwangere bruid.
Before a marriage was announced, the intention of the marriage candidates was called three times in church, so that everyone had an opportunity to object. Such an announcement is usually called a call. During the closed time, dispensation was often given for one or more calls. In the marriage registers we find this in the form of notes such as cum dispensatione in bannis, cum dispensatione in tribus bannis or cum dispensatione in 3tia proclamatione. Occasionally it is also referred to as the church commandment, but this usually means the calls for seizures, for example, which also happened at the church.
A dispensation for the out-of-hours calls may be an indication that marriage should be urgent. One of the reasons is a (highly) pregnant bride.
Source: https://genwiki.nl/limburg/index.php?title=Roep
Ik heb het eens nagevraagd bij een collega genealoog/ theoloog..
Groetjes Werner
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Dear Werner and Adrie,
i will share with you: Paul- Marc did an amazing transcription of this marriage record.. He did indeed make the comment as you did about the "rules of marriage as well." it is makes sense now that maybe she was pregnant and they did have to get married. Also the 6 year time lag in the birth of 1st Livinius in 1727.. Here is what Paul- Marc did: Bonjour Carla,
💥 There is a passage in the act (???) that I do not understand at the moment.
**Parochia Santus Martinus Lathem**
"1721: die 5’ aprilis 1721 matrimonio juncti sunt cum dispensatione illustrissimi super tribus bannis (??? ) Joannes Baptista Stevens ex S(anc)ti Dionisii et Joanna Stür ex Lathem coram testibus Germano Stevens et Anna Peertsegael me que infrascripto
P. Van Bütseele Pastor" HE DOES MENTION LATER THAT (??)= Et ( ?some word that ends in pore) Clausio.
Concretely, the marriage had not be proclaimed publicly three times, during three consecutive holidays, during the mass in the parish church.
(The proclamations were part of the set of procedures that parish priests used to try to verify both the marital status of the bride and groom and the existence of ties and situations that could be included in the range of impediments established by the canonical legislation.)
If you look at the transcriptions of other marriages on this register, you will see that the dates of the proclamations are mentioned in the acts unlike that of your ancestors...
For the rest I think you have understood the meaning of the text.
Best regards - Paul-Marc"
I will go back and check to see if any deaths were recorded. As Always EVERYONE of you are amazing!!!. Carla
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Bedankt , Werner , dat is nu eigenlijk eens wezenlijke informatie waar we hier iets aan hebben.
Ik ga de hele hap naar een mapje slepen, kan nog van pas komen voor de toekomst.
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Nice, magnificent home -pitch; so you see its a shared event, a group's effort , and we already have a nice little community
of our own.Good to have the expertise of Werner and Paul-Marc!
Thanks guys/ladies
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Carla if you have extended mine you would see the same 😁
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If I can and have time I give it a try ;-) you have my adres 😋
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thank you. I am going to give this line a rest for now. I appreciate all your expertise.
Have a great evening.
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Adrien and Carla answer from my friend 😁
Het afroepen van drie huwelijksbannen is in ongebruik geraakt de laatste decennia.
Ik weet niet waarom en ik weet ook niet of het kerkjuridisch afgeschaft is.
Ook de publieke aankondigingen van het burgerlijk huwelijk in de gemeentehuizen zijn niet meer in gebruik.
The calling of three marriage bans has become obsolete in recent decades.
I don't know why and I don't know if it has been abolished in church law.
The public announcements of civil marriage in the town halls are also no longer in use.