Archives Matter
Sharing information and training from archives and libraries, and their industry membership organizations.
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#English #General #FamilySearchSponsoredGroup
Proprietario: SystemLeader: System, Steve Walker16, SerraNola, WKathleenM4, Sheila DuBois, AmberML1, Jordan5L, MechamRobertIsaac, Mary T Wilson, David A WilsonCreato il January 25, 2021187 membriPrivacy: Pubblico
Fissati in alto
RootsTech 2025Root's Tech 2025 is March 6-8,2025. Register to attend in person or online. https://www.familysea…
ARC Symposium RecapOnce again, the ARC Symposium at RootsTech 2023 was time well spent! Here is the welcome video by S…
New NOTIFICATION Settings!Hello everyone! Just a quick note to let you all know that we now have the ability to receive notif…
Eventi Futuri
Oh cavoli, non ci sono eventi prossimamente.