Häfliger and Morgenthaler in canton Bern
You'll find some more general, but hopefully useful information on https://community.familysearch.org/de/discussion/comment/470154/#Comment_470154 - this includes a suggestion about the structure of topic titles: https://community.familysearch.org/de/discussion/129680/what-title-would-be-best-for-postings.
But now on your question: first page to check (unless you have the corresponding information already) is https://hls-dhs-dss.ch/famn/?lg=e - this will give you potential places of citizenship of your ancestors, the best places to start your research. This already indicates that you most likely will look for Häfliger (not Hafliger) in Switzerland - with 3 places of citizenship. For Morgenthaler you have more choices ;-).
To give more specific advice we would have to have more detailed information: what info do you have about the "oldest" persons from these two lines?
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This is Edna Walchli Stratford. You helped me several times in the past by reading entries from Swiss church records from Madiswil, Bern, Switzerland or other towns in that area. I know you were not in Bern, but I would send you a clip of the record that I could not decipher and you would write back with the information. I would receive notification on my email: ewstratford@hotmail.com.
How do I get back into the system. I will read the information on the URL's in the first paragraph above. The second paragraph does not refer to me at all. I have no Morgenthaler ancestors at all. My surnames include Wälchli, Lanz, or Lantz, Zulliger, Strauchen, Iff, Habegger, Zimmermann, Ingold, Häfliger, Zahnd, and Glur to name a few.
I am hoping for and looking forward to a reply from you on now I can again get help with my Swiss questions. Thank you so much, Edna Walchli Stratford
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Hello Edna,
I remember having dealt with Madiswil records ;-).
The best way to stay in (or get back into) the system would be, you start a new topic with the screenshot (not too small a section!!). This way we avoid confusion: imagine all people with a question would just "answer" to this topic here. I would respond there (if I can give a useful answer) and others could comment as well. Each time you would be informed by mail.
When starting the new topic, please, follow my suggestion on https://community.familysearch.org/de/discussion/129680/what-title-would-be-best-for-postings.
Best regards for now - Wolf
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Sorry - forgot to add that is best to upload the entire church record page: depending on the script it may be helpful to have a larger text to "learn read" the script.
You find a description how to download an entire page on https://community.familysearch.org/de/discussion/comment/458272/#Comment_458272.
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@Matt Yancey Have you made any progress in the meantime? If you need further help - as stated above, you would have to provide more detail about your present state of knowledge ... and your questions 😉.