Surname Directory
Discussion List
Business listing that includes a person's name in parenthesisI am indexing a directory. If a business listing includes a person's name in parenthesis, do I inde…
How do I get FamilySearch to remove an incorrect Surname meaning?The GLASSETT Surname meaning offered on the GLASSETT Family History page is completely wrong! First…
2Surname listA function that would really be helpful is some method of listing all the surnames that exist in my…
Directory Review - locationAm reviewing a directory. The indexer has entered, Burlington, Iowa as the location, but nowhere i…Answered ✓ Closed JanetSueEnfield 304 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Susan Ann Mullen Indexing
Is it a FamilySearch goal to have the Surname Directory drill down to any Person Rec in Family Tree?Will it allow users/patrons to learn definitively the answer to the question: Is there a person rec…Answered Closed Douglas McPhaden 434 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Dennis J Yancey Family Tree