Source Linker
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Feedback in new source linker is brokenI tried to submit feedback with the new source linker as suggested, but it just shows an error mess…
1Source Linker handling of census recordsThe Source Linker does not handle slaves, servants, grandparents, in-laws, uncles and aunts who may…Active Closed JamesRobins0n 35 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile Suggest an Idea
New Source Linker should keep the data it suggests and appears to save.Using the new source linker it is great that dates and locations appear to be standardized Such as…Answered ✓ Closed Michael Benzi 115 views 6 comments 3 points Most recent by Michael Benzi Family Tree
On the new Source Linker, why are details sometimes not editable?It is great that we can now edit while attaching sources, but I have noticed that sometimes the pen…
2Multiple Suggestions1- When are you going to implement 2FA (2 Factor Authentication)? 2- I’m running in to this problem…
Some retired records are showing up as attached in Source lists, but not in source linkersHere's an example -- three of the records listed in the Source list for this person are retired. h…
Please help! Why are the sources not automatically linked to events anymore?I want to yell and pull my hair out! Why are the sources not automaticaly linked to events when you…