Research hints
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2Hints -be able to sort it by the number of hints for a given person. it is easier to do the 1st and not 6…
1"Hints" is too vague and thus useless, allow customization checkboxesI have 86 current people with "hints" two weeks after joining FamilySearch - there's just…
All "Ancestor Hints" not showing all hintsI have hints that are not listed in the all hints list. I would like this problem fixed. My ancesto…Answered ✓ Closed davidjaygross1 1.4K views 18 comments 0 points Most recent by Gordon Collett Family Tree
2Research Hints - Possible duplicate personI have found the research flag helps in the tree extremely helpful. The blue icons for record hint…new Closed Alex Ezra Campbell 341 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Edson_Ferreira Suggest an Idea
Problem deleting duplicate sources (See Josiah Stafford MZW5-ZTL)There appears to be a malfunction in the software. There are several duplicate sources for his daug…Answered Closed Dean, Barton David 371 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Susan Ann Mullen Family Tree
1All tree hints up/down feature requestIt would be nice to see all available hints for my tree in one place, perhaps able to be ordered by…
Single page where I can see all the people in my tree who have hintsIt would be very helpful to have a page where I can see all the people in my tree who have hints. I…Answered Closed davidjaygross1 221 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Gordon Collett Family Tree