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1Attaching Names to Photos with Confidence Factors?Like many others, I have some great old photos but little to no knowledge as to their identificatio…Active Closed THornsby 231 views 14 comments 1 point Most recent by Gail Swihart Watson Suggest an Idea
1Memories-adding date when contributor is deceased.Memories can be listed in chronological order now. But, you cannot add the date if you were not the…
3Increase Audio File LimitationsAs a FamilySearch user, I want to be able to upload audio files from interviews with family members…
1Memories viewing suggestion for improvementWhen I open a memory, much of the time the script in the memory is too small to read (ie if the mem…
1Memory SectionWhat an amazing tool and resource Family Search is. However, it would be very helpful if there was …
How to find a photo on which someone made a comment?I received an email from saying "Someone commented about one of your …Answered Closed Doreen Quayle Johnson 271 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Dennis J Yancey Memories
1Time Line- Photos at Different AgesTime Line - Would be nice to be able to see a person's photos on the Time Line at different ages, i…
Some memories now have image missingI am wondering why I am discovering quite a few of the memories I have added suddenly have a messag…Answered ✓ Closed JulieVWilcox 1.7K views 29 comments 0 points Most recent by RobertLeighPritchett Memories
1Memories: One Click Back to Detail PageI often add obituaries, etc. in memories and it now takes two clicks to get back to an individual's…