Discussion List
0Indexing popular batchesIt would probably help many indexers to know that there are only so many batches that are allowed t…
0Incorrect Event Type For Amsterdam Death IndexesWhen I was attaching a death record to , …Active Closed Jordi Kloosterboer 141 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Jordi Kloosterboer Suggest an Idea
0Overzealous place name standardization can lead to off-the-map resultsMany of my Swedish ancestors have "research help" hints pointing to Orkney, Scotland. Th…
0Family Search & Billiongraves sources need to be linkedI'm in the process of uploading over 5000 obituaries to Here is the problem that…
0adding a 'spouse' to your treei would like to draw your attention that the word 'spouse' does not encompass all types of relation…
0Ability to check out batch from the “project” sectionIn the Web Indexing tab there is progress section with a project tab. It would be nice to be able t…
0Iterative Numeric PredictionI started a record that has a long series of sequential 7 digit record numbers for each name in the…
0Ability to highlight multiple areas if needed for index correctingI was correcting this date from 27 Jan 1848 to 27 Jan 1849. The month and day is separated from the…Active Closed Jordi Kloosterboer 181 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea