Incorrect relationship
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Systematic mismatched records in 442 pages in Gyöngyös Marriages book (1895-1901) - HungaryHi, While attaching a record to a family I realized that 442 records have mismatched pages in Gyöng…
How to start over with a family tree?Hello, I'd like to know the best course of action for correcting mistakes in the family tree made b…
Deleting an unconnected person*A person posted this on Facebook Family Search User Group. Is this correct? She states that she…Answered Closed Roots4MyFamily 271 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Wayland K Adams Family Tree
Person attached to wrong familyHenry Landers LBFP-FKW, was my great grand uncle. I believe I had him attached to my ancestors, bu…
Incorrect EntryI have found an incorrect entry for an individual. David Young Kendall, KCB2-MHG is incorrectly li…
MISTAKE MADEI just entered Hannah Menzel .... She is my aunt, my father Henry William Menzel's older sister...…
How do I remove names in my tree that are incorrect?On my family tree other people have added information that is incorrect, and the delete tool will n…
How to move a relative to the correct generation?Good morning, There is a cousin marriage in my family tree that I cannot seem to figure out how to …
I chose the wrong person in my family tree. How can I delete that person from my tree?I chose the wrong person in my family tree. How can I delete that person from my tree?Answered ✓ Closed LegacyUser 2.5K views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by CarolynLawrence1 Family Tree
Wrong personI accidentally added my great grandfather's from my grandfather's side to my grandmothers' side by…Answered Closed susanamiranda6 151 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by dontiknowyou Family Tree