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Why are so many persons marked as "read only" in family-tree?Hello everyone! Today all members of my family-tree are marked as "read only",but yesterd…
What spelling to prioritize, government spelling or personal spelling?I am researching one of my lines, which ends with James Cronin. This is the spelling of my name, ho…
I'm indexing and the type of source/registry isn't listed.. what do I do?I opened a batch to start indexing. They are christening records. When I go to click on what kind o…
Why Do I Still Receive Notifications After I have turned settings OFFI have turned my notification settings to OFF, but still receive notifications from FamilySearch. T…
Individual ID numberIs there any way to search my tree for a person without knowing their ID #. The only place I am se…Answered ✓ Closed Teri Moncelle Colglazier 71 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Teri Moncelle Colglazier Family Tree
Recording 'White' in Mortality Schedules where 'Color' is blankFrom the Federal US Census instructions, the recorders for the 1860 Mortality Schedules were instru…Answered ✓ Richard Zaleski 2nd 129 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Richard Zaleski 2nd Indexing
1Finding person by idI spent hours looking for someone that I had their name, spouses name, marriage date and when under…
Error message on any and every searchI have not been able to access any searches, family trees, or documents without getting a message t…