General User Interface Enhancement
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6Dark ModeMany digital services around the globe feature options to change the appearance of the Graphical Us…Active Closed Samuel.D.South 53 views 1 comment 6 points Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile Suggest an Idea
1The option to stay signed in for two weeks.This feature never works for me and has not over the last 14 years. How about removing the option …Active Closed C D McB 111 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea
1Help Reduce Errors: In-The-Moment Inconsistency NoticesMany errors could be eliminated if users were presented with In-The-Moment notification when incons…
1In Math and Physics time flows from left to right. But not on your treesHi, Anyone taking a basic math course knows a number line goes from left to right. So when drawing …
More Browsing IssuesSome of the "collections" that you can't browse appear to be made from multiple catalog i…Answered Closed sarah1.5495486784957014E12 171 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by sarah1.5495486784957014E12 Search
1Help Reduce Errors: In-The-Moment HelpsTitle: Help Reduce Errors: In-The-Moment Helps Why: - It is way too easy to make errors in FamilyS…
4Pop up widowsCould you make all the pop up windows moveable, like the Help Windows You could make all the edit w…
3Standardized PlacesI have noticing for the past few months that when a Standard place format is entered from a source …
1Re-locate location of Scroll BarsI've received two feedbacks this week re. location of the scroll bar on the search results page &qu…
2feature suggestion: in list of Similar Historical Records, add indication for self or otherIn Person, Sources, you can expand each source and Show the Indexed Information. The Indexed Inform…