Discussion List
6Option to Follow all ancestors on Fan ChartI would like to easily select and follow all of my direct ancestors in the 7-Gen Fan Chart at the s…new Closed Tiffany Farnsworth Nash 81 views 2 comments 6 points Most recent by Tiffany Farnsworth Nash Suggest an Idea
1Sort "Following" by LabelYou can filter by label, but you can't sort by it. It would be helpful to be able to sort by label …Active Closed christopherpaultaylor1 1 view 0 comments 1 point Started by christopherpaultaylor1 Suggest an Idea
2"Date Added/Last Changed" information for LabelsI was looking through the people I am following, and I realized that one of them had a "Resear…Active Closed BraydenGraves 81 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by BraydenGraves Suggest an Idea
2More "Following" labelsI would really like to have the possibility of more than 10 labels. (25 maybe?) Also, how do I del…
Possible bug on Filter By Label for People I'm FollowingWhen the People I'm Following scrolls beyond a certain amount, and I scroll down, the filter I've p…
1View My RelationshipWhen I go to Notifications - Changes to People You Follow and click on a person's name, View My Rel…
2Following icon in decendancy tree viewI generally follow only the head profile of a tree fragment, and once the parents are attached I un…
2Sort Following List By Date FollowedHi. It would really improve my FamilySearch experience if there was a way to sort the following li…
1Following list optionsFeature request on Family Tree: Following: Options: Filter By Label: add a button to filter by no l…