FHL Films
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1860 US Census for Brooklyn, Windham CT missing pages?I'm looking at the 1860 census for Brooklyn, Windham, Connecticut, which is a set of 53 images. How…
Please can somebody get this document from FHL ?Riveli di beni e anime, Santa Cristina Gela (Palermo), 1811-1816 https://www.familysearch.org/searc…
Finding someone to examine a map on microfilm at FHLI would like to determine if a microfilmed map provides information that is useful to me. The micro…Answered ✓ Closed DavisonMichael 61 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by DavisonMichael General Questions
How to report incomplete upload of NARA microfilm rollI was just looking through NARA Series M237, Roll 188 (Passenger Lists of Vessels arriving at New Y…
Micro FicheHello I’m researching Tosca Italy and I see that the exact one I need has a film wheel. I would lov…
Film Rental HistoryMy question is not about my online account but 'film rental history'. I rented a microfilm from the…