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How would a person review a record from "Sierra Leone—Birth and Death Registrations [Part B]"?Please, do not answer unless you have reviewed records from "Sierra Leone—Birth and Death Regi…
Missing Blog Link on FamilySearchI might be confused, but I used to go to FamilySearch to look at the FamilySearch Blog. It seems t…Answered ✓ Closed jameshinckleywadsworth1 141 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by will watkins1 General Questions
England, Nottinghamshire, Church Records, 1578-1937England, Nottinghamshire, Church Records, 1578-1937 — FamilySearch.org A note for the engineers - I…
2Viewing deceased relative's relationships to each otherI don't know if this is possible, but I keep trying to do this and it doesn't work. Is there a way …new Closed Hannah Walker Jenkins 641 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Brett . Suggest an Idea
I try go to my indexing but then the page or image of the page doesn't pop up and it saysImage currently unavailable (Internal server error)Answered Closed Tuitupou, Te'vita Kakala 401 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by cesarnarcisotinocoperez1 Indexing