FamilySearch Help Center
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4Make Learning Resources More AccessibleI think it would be great to add a description link to the Help/Community/Learning Resources on the…Active Closed Melissa M Knapp 231 views 2 comments 4 points Most recent by TaylorJ74 Suggest an Idea
What instructional resources are available for Get Involved volunteer activities?Much of the help is built into the Get Involved experience. Many of the changes and features were a…Answered ✓ Announcement Closed ctr sweetie 4.4K views 62 comments 2 points Most recent by Melissa S Himes Get Involved
1Help Center Search page broken on phoneThis page is broken on a phone browser (Android Chrome or Edge)…
Issue with incorrect information for my Great grand fatherWho can I talk to about getting information corrected on my great grand father?