Family Tree Usability
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FS image viewer became unusable for a week nowHi, I am experiencing an error that draws the whole FS's documents collection unusable. For the wh…
Fumbling as to how to enter a comment on this page without starting a new idea.Throughout my career I have had management parrot to the staff - "Change is good." If yo…
With the New Person Page- View my relationshipWhen using View my relationship with the New Person Page with the display spouse option make sure t…Answered Closed Elsa Manuela Kitchen 372 views 4 comments 2 points Most recent by Maile L Family Tree
You have removed the birthplace on attached census sourcesThere are changes, some good and some not so great. There are many colors, which are distracting. T…Question Closed Janet Noble Smith 111 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Janet Noble Smith Family Tree