Email Campaign
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Email Bug ReportMy apologies in advance for using the forum for a bug report. Seems to be the best way to give Fami…
Recent email titled 'You are invited to discover your 's wedding anniversary!'Here is what the email says: We've compiled life events of your to commemorate anniversary. This is…
Re: Verify Your FamilySearch Email AddressI received an email "Verify Your FamilySearch Email Address" "We've noticed you're …Answered ✓ Closed Re Searching 1.4K views 17 comments 0 points Most recent by dontiknowyou FamilySearch Account
Weekly Emails from Family Search have stopped. Why?Emails with Family Information from Family Search Roni Hewitt ✭ 5:02PM Right after I joined …Answered Closed Roni Hewitt 141 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by bathompson General Questions
how do I correct an erroneous notification?Received a notification that a distant relative was a religiously based immigrant from Ireland, how…