Divorce information
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Divorce to be seen in couple boxI have been doing a lot of my more recent individuals in my tree (using the private people feature)…
A past spouse's name is provided, but they're divorced.I am working on indexing batch US, Connecticut, New Haven—Naturalization Records, 1906–1945[MQ72-ZB…Answered Closed Ellsworth, Lydia Jeanne 131 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by erutherford Indexing
Divorce not showingThe divorce of Richard John Weidert [GZV1-MRV] and Margaret Mary Cavanagh [GC3N-W8H] does not show …
A divorced spouse with no children is still a spouse ?On an empty nester marriage that ends with divorce, looks like the divorce event does nothing to th…Answered ✓ Closed ThomasAn 793 views 28 comments 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Family Tree