Different Family Tree Styles
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1Add even more generations to the fan chartGlen said: In the fan chart, please add more generations. Because the display can be zoomed nicely…Active Closed LegacyUser 1.6K views 12 comments 1 point Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea
1Fan ChartI like the original 8 generation fan chart. The new one looks like broken pieces. Not user friend…
2Toggle switch for seeing all generations in Descendancy Tree ViewI would love to have a toggle switch at the top of the page in descendancy tree view that would all…Active Closed michellehowell2 141 views 0 comments 2 points Started by michellehowell2 Suggest an Idea
1Different Map stylesSome of you may think that it would be too much programming, but it would be cool to have different…Active Closed Ashby, Zachary John 221 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Ashby, Zachary John Suggest an Idea