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3Add folders in albumsI have multiple albums for the same person if I have a lot of memories. It would be helpful to sor…
4Albums for Memories in Person RecordI've been happily uploading memories to my Gallery in the web site for a few years now. I've been …Active Closed Skipclavell 27 views 1 comment 4 points Most recent by W D Samuelsen contact me please Suggest an Idea
Is it possible to link an 'album' to an individual so that it appears in their memories page?I posted abt 400 letters written by an ancestor in an album so entitled. I would like to link just…
1Keep Existing Home Page Toggle - Please don't delete it / Memories Sub AlbumsI really enjoyed Craig Miller’s presentation at RootsTech. He mentioned sharing ideas and suggestio…Not Planned Closed Steven Harsey 198 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Gail Swihart Watson Suggest an Idea
3Memories Gallery AlbumsIt would be helpful to be able to select more than one album at a time when you are placing a pictu…Under Consideration Closed Lisa Poulson Montague 202 views 4 comments 3 points Most recent by Caleb L Suggest an Idea
1Widen album folder displays on Gallery main pageWhen I go to Gallery, the left side lists my albums (with titles). However, the vertical bar to th…Active Closed Julie Melville Hite 247 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Julie Melville Hite Suggest an Idea
1Photo Albums in MemoriesIf there was away to create albums in a specific person page (or add an album to it), that would be…new Closed Abigail Sophia Miller 95 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Abigail Sophia Miller Suggest an Idea
Is there a way to move and entire Album under Memories to a disc or thumbdrive?I have processed several hundred photos in Memories so that they have a Title, caption, date and ar…
3Creating Albums in Ancestor's MemoriesPlease make the option for creating photo albums on an ancestor's page. All people who have picture…new Closed gehrenpaultaggart1 182 views 0 comments 3 points Most recent by gehrenpaultaggart1 Suggest an Idea
Maximum number of Albums?In your Gallery, is there a maximum number of Albums you can create?