Discussion List
Indexing specialistIs there a need for callings in the ward for Indexing Specialist?
1871 CensusMy suggestion is to make the 1871 census available again, or at least explain on the collection pag…
2Keep reference image pane hiddenI've noticed that when I first log in and start indexing, the reference image pane at the bottom is…
4share with temple after reservation limit metResearch is ongoing. The name reservation limit has been met. In order to share a name with the tem…
5Option to attach a picture on family name cardsWould it be possible to place the portrait picture on the family name card we print? Before going t…
6A Better Search FunctionI wish there was a search within tree function that would allow me to search within my relatives. T…new Closed bruckmak 381 views 8 comments 6 points Most recent by William John Knotwell III Suggest an Idea
0Review Fan chart display by birth country optionDoug Knarr said: First, let me say I love your site and app. Display by country is great, but si…
Correcting a location errorI have noticed on numerous occasions of a location which is shown as the following (without quotes)…
4Automate unblocking temple work for valid surnames in Family Tree that are in the invalid words listSurnames such as "Body" and "Baby" are quite common in Family Tree as legitimat…new Closed Bruce Wilkinson 201 views 4 comments 4 points Most recent by Amy Archibald Suggest an Idea