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3Searching by ID versus nameIt appears there has been an update to FamilySearch. Up until a week ago I could set search to ID# …new Closed Eric Arden Pulley 429 views 5 comments 3 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea
1*** New dashboard page look - Here's whats missing and important to me on my dashboardKeep the quick link box to free virtual support with FHL SLC Keep the To-Do list left side under th…new Closed FamilySearch 808 253 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by FamilySearch 808 Suggest an Idea
1好几个标签朱氏的家谱 的链接内容 是其它姓氏在搜索内 选姓: 朱 始祖输入:朱熹 搜索结果中 地点为:福建省 的家谱 内容都不是 朱氏的 另外网站中…
3Sharing one's Source BoxSomeone brought up a question: can she share her Source Box with her son? As far as I know, the ans…new Closed Julia Szent-Györgyi 161 views 2 comments 3 points Most recent by AndraGab Suggest an Idea
1completing next ordinance/ordinance cardI think it would be helpful when printing an ordinance card that it only marked printed on the next…
Visits to BranchesI have sent e-mails and tried telephoning the Princess Gate Branch London to arrange an appointment…
1New record collectionHi, I just want to know where I can recommend a new collection for indexing. I know of a government…
0New Landing PageJust tried out the new Landing Page and would like to point out a bug. The feedback button does no…
1Need to improve Ordinance ReadyI like the Ordinance Ready feature. But it needs some fine tuning. I have used it to find female na…
1Temple shared names - others tying up names so I can not unshare and do ordinancesWhen I do research, I share with the temple and when my siblings and I can do temple work, I pull n…