Discussion List
0Merge error message - whaaaaa?Justin Masters said: I tried merging two people today and got a message I've never seen before, and…
0BUG - Text of obituary not seenJustin Masters said: I've had two different bugs appear in genealogy bank obituaries related to Dud…
0Feedback on the Book search portion of your site.Keelie said: The change to the book searching portion of this site is VERY BAD.. It needs to be cha…
0Why the difference of information as shown when searching and findingW David Samuelsen said: Here is constant oddity of information not matching what is actually record…
0Another example of errors being made when records come across from Find My PastPaul said: I have spent several hours trying to figure out how a distant relative could have died i…
0All. FYI. 'Hot off the press' to speak. As of TODAY (30 Jan 2020). New 'Consultant' Planner "LiBrett said: All. FYI 'Hot off the press' ... so to speak. As of TODAY (30 January 2020)…
0Ordinance ReadyLuan Hixson said: It would be a good idea to be able to get more sets of ordinance names in one cat…
0Please show all sources!Gernot Hesselbarth said: If sources are available for marriage, they are not shown in the timeline …
0Help i need to find my dadSavannah Zweekhorst said: Im trying to find my dad who i have never met and only know his name plea…
0Please Give Us Back the Ordinance CardsTKCS said: It is so inconvenient to have to keep reprinting the same card. I always keep a few car…