Edward J. Belcher and Grace Richardson Belcher
I am having a hard time finding any information on my grandparents listed above. Any hlep would be greatly appreciated!
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A continent and century to start with would be helpful.
With daughter, Doris, born in Washington DC? https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C9TR-5VC3?view=index&personArk=%2Fark%3A%2F61903%2F1%3A1%3AQK9N-Y8XD&action=view
It is often best to start by gathering documentation for the things that you do know, and evaluating them for additional pieces of information. For instance getting his death record may reveal something that you can work with.
Then trying to find them in each census and working back in time. I can see why you'd be having trouble with him (assuming that is the right family). Perhaps consider that their daughter being born in Washington DC may be a clue that he was not always in the US (try immigration records, as they also show people crossing the border for international travel not just moving here from another country).
I'm sure you'll get further help if you provide more information. Other members of the family that you know about can also be helpful.
I apologize, I wasn't sure this was the correct forum. I am looking for information on my grandparents, Edward J. Belcher, a/k/a Edward J. Atchinson, who married Grace Richardson (unknown year)-probably in DC, VA, MD or WVA. They had at least 3 daughters, Grace, Lorraine and Doris. Doris was my mother. She was born 7/29/1932 in Washington, D.C.
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