We have added your concern to the report on problems with the new viewer.
The new viewer and super slow loading
I have noticed that since the new look has been applied to the website, I started experiencing issues with the catalog.
Mainly: the pictures load very very slowly, especially when zooming in.
My fibre broadband is 250mb/s.
Is it something what I can improve by boosting the speed of my internet to i.e. 500mb/s or is it due to the new architecture of the website?
Best Answers
I think the problem is that the new viewer-and-editor is trying to be too many different things at once, and is therefore failing (rather miserably) at all of them.
As a viewer for just a single image, it fails because it takes an age to load, and then as often as not is missing the needed/wanted cataloging information (such as the denomination of the church, or the county of the registry office). It silently (secretly!) redoes the image groupings and renumbers the images, making it impossible to correctly identify/cite an image. Also, zooming is slow and sort of ...jumpy? I find it really strange and annoying, anyway.
As an image browser, it fails utterly, because you spend 20 seconds out of every 22 staring at blank grey screen. I'm not just making up those numbers: I timed it, multiple times on multiple days.
As an index correction interface, it fails because it's too complicated for words. People simply can't figure it out. Most of the time, they don't even realize that it is the index editor over there at the right.
The index correction also fails because it's so buggy. By editing an index entry, you risk effectively deleting the entry from the search entirely. Even if that doesn't happen, your edits may or may not show up on the index entry's detail page, depending on the specific field, and even if they do show up, they'll be either not identified as edits, or misidentified as the originally-indexed value. And some edits may simply be discarded into the ether, silently, while the screen you're looking at falsely and blithely shows your success.
I am not aware of an effective way to switch back to the old index editor, but luckily, it's easy to go back to the old viewer: simply edit the page's URL, deleting the question mark and everything after it.
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I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU because everything works much more smoothly now :)
Also - just an observation - I have noticed that once I corrected a spelling of a person on a document, the documents 'disappears ' and cannot be accesed anymore. I am getting a message basically that the page can't be found.
Thanks again! :)
I have noticed this too and I have found hovering the mouse over the attach button (grayed out at that point) and clicking inside the image number box (empty at that point) seems to encourage the image to load. It could be those actions have no effect other than to be a measure of the time it takes for an image to load, but they also might trigger a process that is otherwise not being executed.
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It is also very slow for me and, as mentioned above, usability issues abound.
One to add: an item often requires multiple edits (e.g. both parents' names need correction, and then, of course, the child's name, as well).
When you save the edit and click the back arrow, you get back to the beginning of the list in the right hand column, not to the specific item.
On a page that has a hundred records this is very frustrating. You must scroll through (or search) the list to find the same item again and again.
And the changes do not even show up when doing a search a bit later (as they used to), so one wonders, why bother at all? This new interface seems like a great way to destroy motivation.
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We have added your concern to the report on problems with the new viewer.