FamilySearch Center Consultants
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We recently returned numerous films from our center that were digitized. Somehow we mistakenly returned 4 Italian films that were not digitized. The sister who had rented them had trusted us to retain "her" films. Needless to say, she is very disappointed!
If you have the following films and you are plan to return them to SLC, please may we have them in our collection? The numbers are: 1329833, 1329834, 1329980, and 1329981.
Price Utah FamilySearch Center
All microfilms have been digitized. That does not mean that all films can be viewed from home. Some Italian films can only be viewed at FamilySearch Centers; some can only be viewed on the Antenati site.
You may wish to ask this question to the group for FamilySearch center consultants.
This discussion has been copied to https://community.familysearch.org/en/discussion/154135/italian-films