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I've been looking for my grand mother's sister for about 15 years. I've found information on all of her siblings except her including her twin brother. The twins were Robert and Roberta Chatagnier born 27 Oct 1915. All of the info about Robert is verified but when I look for her, I can't even get her name verified. The only other information I have about was given to me by other family members. My mother told me that she was married but had mental health problems and spent some time in an institution and received electric shock treatments. Mom also told me that she committed suicide when my mother was about 13 years old (1947). The family rarely talked about her because of the fact that she killed herself and her mental illness. My mother didn't know her married name either. What can I do to find a verified death date and maybe information about her time spent in the institution.
@SandraFluhr1 You might want to take advantage of the free research consultations available through the Family HIstory Library. The consultations are online, so you don't need to be in Salt Lake City to get help from the experts at the library. Here is a link to the scheduling form:
@SandraFluhr1 . I see that Robert and Roberta were born in Delcambre, Vermillion, Louisiana. Is this correct? Checking the FamilySearch catalog for this Parish, they have only marriage records. https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/results?count=20&placeId=193096&query=%2Bplace%3A%22United%20States%2C%20Louisiana%2C%20Vermilion%22&subjectsOpen=388380-50
Have you tried contacting the parish directly to see if they have birth records from this date? In my experience, they may not. Louisiana was slow to come into compliance with keeping birth and death records, and many parishes were not keeping robust records until almost 1930 in my experience.
Do you if the family attended a church? If so, you may want to try to track down church records.
It is frustrating not to be able to find the family in the 1920 US census.