How do I use FamilySearch Messages? • FamilySearch FamilySearch Messages to communicate with other website users.
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Hello @Felixgarza3
Your ID number is a 7 digit code consisting of letters and number in the format of LHP7-4G3. It is located at the top of the page for a person underneath their name, next to the birth and death dates.
However because you are still living, only you can see your ID number. For privacy reasons, the records and IDs of living people can only be seen by the person who created the record.
IF you give your ID to someone, they won't be able to see the record for you.
You could give the person requesting your ID, the ID of your nearest deceased ancestor.
Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Just in passing ...
Question: HOW did the OTHER User/Patron actually contact you?
▬ User Messaging, in 'FamilySearch'
▬ Direct "E-mail"
▬ Through, ("Private") 'Messaging", in this Forum.
Please advise/clarify.
IF, it is any of the above; THEN, you DO NOT need your 'FamilySearch Person Identifier' (PID); as, you SIMPLY respond to the 'Message', that you received.
I hope, that this may help/assist, somewhat.
thank you, but as and example this person asks a question, I respond but how do I forward it to her. She has identified herself what is procedure in answering. Thanks again
how do i answer i can type the answer but how do i forward to the person I wish to commincate with
still do not know how forward a comment back to the person who contacted me,
see previous comment
Again ...
Question: HOW [ EXACTLY ] did the OTHER User/Patron actually contact you?
▬ User Messaging, in 'FamilySearch'
▬ Direct "E-mail"
▬ Through, ("Private") 'Messaging", in this Forum.
Please advise/clarify.
Then, we may be able to provide, a better (more clearer) response
useer msger. thru family search was how she contacted me, I am still unable to answer, walk me trhough the process.
O.K., Right ...
User Messaging, in 'FamilySearch'
For starters ...
Here is a "Knowledge Article", in 'FamilySearch':
And ...
For future reference ...
Good Luck.
I hope, that these may help/assist, somewhat.