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I am searching for my grandparents Eusebia Ticlla Picachori and Aniceto Choque .Eusebia was born in Potosi, Bolivia. She died on August 1976 Orinoca ,Oruro,Bolivia .I have not been able to find her birth/baptism record. Aniceto was born in Oruro,Bolivia.He died in Orinoca,Oruro,Bolivia.I have not been able to find his birth/baptism and any records about him.
1. What were the county and town of Eusebia's birthplace ?
2. What day and month did Aniceto Choque was born?
Hello and thank you for contacting FamilySearch. It sounds like you are trying to find birth and baptism records for your grandparents who were from Bolivia. That sounds like an awesome endeavor.
Without knowing where you have already tried to search I'm offering some search suggestions. I'm wondering if you have tried Research Wiki for Bolivia yet. I love Research Wiki. You can get to it from FamilySearch by clicking on the Search tab. Look all the way on the bottom of the box that pops up. You'll see Research Wiki. Just click in the search bar for Bolivia. Here's a link to Research Wiki for convenience:
Another wonderful option that FamilySearch offers is a free, once-weekly 20-minute session with a geneologist. You'll need to schedule an appointment. To find the Free Research Consultation help click on the circled question mark on the top right of any page, scroll down a bit to see the Community tab, click on that and you'll see the Free Research Consultation tab on the right side under Quick Links.
I'm attaching a link here that will get you to the Free Research Consultation page for quick reference.
I hope these suggestions help you on your way to finding more information about your grandparents. If you have already tried these suggestions please reach back out and let's find some alternative search strategies. Thank you for all of your wonderful contributions to the Family Tree!
I did a quick search using the catalog. When searching for places, I entered Bolivia and then in the area at the top (Places within Bolivia) I found both Potosi and Oruco. I don’t speak Spanish so I could not evaluate the records further. I agree with @LMBradyLM that the Research Wiki is an excellent resource and the opportunity for the Virtual Consult with the Family History Catalog will also be helpful. Good Luck!
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