Prussy village / село Пруссы
Please add the village of Prussy(...-1915)/Mikhailovka(1915-...), Cherkasy district, Kyiv province, Russian Empire(-1915) in the location! because there is a lot of confusion when indexing!
Пожалуйста, добавьте в месторасположении село Пруссы(...-1915)/Михайловка(1915-...), Черкасский уезд, Киевская губерния, Российская империя(-1915)! потому что возникает большая путаница при индексировании!
The Places tool is where you can suggest new places or improvements to existing ones:
I don't know if that will affect anything during indexing. (None of the projects I habitually work on have a standardized placename field anywhere.)