I wish there was a direct contact email for different departments. If you click on the Question Mark and then Contact Us, you get a list of phone numbers and emails (sometimes) based on your location.
Europe is eu_support@familysearch.org
North America is nasupport@familysearch.org
If any thing works, let us know! It is a growing problem!
Constant Error Messaging
I am trying to open a batch to begin indexing, I’ve been trying now for over a week and keep getting the following message. I am using an iPad and have tried on Safari and Google neither are working. It’s a few years since I did any indexing but I used my iPad back then and had no issues. I have loads of spare time and would like to help but I’m thwarted at every attempt, anybody got any suggestions please.
This is one of many reports of problems being reported by IPAD users. I think it needs to be reported to the IT folks at FamilySearch. This is probably not a coincidence! I wish someone would let us know if the IT Engineers know about all these posts and working on anything.
But, I'll ask the usual questions -
Have you tried clearing your cache and cookies? Sometimes it is a housekeeping issue.
Have you tried rotating your IPad? This one really baffles me but it seems to work.
Have you made sure you are using an approved Browser (Safari or Chrome) and that you are up-to-date on the latest Operating System and on Safari?
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Thank you Melissa, I’ve searched for a contact email address so I can let them know but I can’t find one. I will try all the suggestions you’ve kindly made, thanks again.
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I wish there was a direct contact email for different departments. If you click on the Question Mark and then Contact Us, you get a list of phone numbers and emails (sometimes) based on your location.
Europe is eu_support@familysearch.org
North America is nasupport@familysearch.org
If any thing works, let us know! It is a growing problem!
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I’ve just emailed them, thank you.
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Thank You! If you find out anything of significance that might be shared, please do. This is a problem for so many.
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I have an IPad. Go into Settings, then find Safari in the Apps on the left hand side and click on it. Scroll down the window that opens and find "Clear History and Website Data", click on it and it will clear that history, it might take a while if you have done it lately. You can tell when it is done when the clear history and Website Data goes gray.
This will probably fix the problem.
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You can also clear the cookies. If you go into the "Help Center" and type on the search bar "Clear Cookies".
It will tell you how to do it.
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It's 'Brett'
'Yes', being able, to DIRECT "E-mail", to either, a "Department"; and/or, "Technical" (System) "Support" ...
And, 'Yes', regarding 'FamilySearch' "Support" ...
But ...
That Said ...
Unfortunately ...
NO "E-mail" Address, for 'FamilySearch' "Support", for MY "Region", 'Locale' (ie. "Downunder")
ie. Asia Pacific Area FamilySearch Support
Nor, the likes of, Latin America Area FamilySearch Support