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I am reviewing a baptism/christening record and I cannot see any page number on the record yet the indexer has put in a page number--the same--for all 8 entries. There is no page before or after to go to for reference. Does that mean the indexer found the page number (maybe through asking in Community Help) and I should leave it as is? Thanks for any help.
As an aside ...
I am just "Mentioning", someone from the 'Category' of "Indexing", who hopefully may be able to help/assist.
Attention: @Melissa S Himes
ps: Just in case, for your future reference ...
For help/assistance regarding "Indexing" (and, "Reviewing") ...
FamilySearch Help
'Category' = "Indexing"
Hi @cumorah1. Thanks for the tag, Brett.
It is always best to share the batch code to get the most accurate answer for a question and to do this on the Indexing Help page.
The batch code is the series of letters and numbers that follow the project title at the top of your screen. Example: [MX7V-ABC]
But, without seeing the batch - if there is no page number on the image, and the field help doesn't suggest that you look back to retrieve a page number, then the field should be blank.
Thanks, @BasfordPeterAnthony. @cumorah1 and I were later in contact through a PM and got it all squared away with a shared batch. They are doing good work on the reviewing!
I would caution that we must read the field helps for every project because we don't often use reference images to determine a page number. In this particular project, as is the case in most, the field help for Page Number states:
Type the page number. It was often indicated at the top of the document.
Do not include zeros written at the beginning of a number. For example, "023" would be typed as 23.
If the page was not numbered, press Ctrl+B to mark this field blank.
Thus, there would be no reason to compare the reference images side by side, or to compare the previous and following images.