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When I try to upload the personal history book of my mother's on family search under the memory documents, it tells me it is too large. I heard there is a book library wherein you can put a link under Memoires wherein one can click on the link and then be taken to the book. If this is true, and if so, how do I do this?
If your mother's history book is published you may need to get copyright permission to 'upload to a library'.
When you say 'book library' you apparently mean either:
Option 1: If you wish to donate her book to FamilySearch the following Help Center article can help:
Option 2: Either way, once you have her book uploaded to whichever library - you could create a Source attached to your mother (or others referenced in the book) that references the URL of the book (at the library).
Option 3: There is not an easy way to reference a book in Memories - unless it fits within the filesize requirements for upload:
[FamilySearch Memories supports] .jpg, .tif, .bmp, .png, .pdf, .mp3, .m4a, and .wav, up to 15MB.
If you could break the book into <15MB chunks - maybe a chapter (or less) - you could name/number the uploads Chapter 1 p1-?, Chapter 1 p? - ?, etc. until you were able to upload the book as documents type upload.
My recommendation: See if option 1 works for you. If not try option 2. If that doesn't work either then try option 3.
I hope this helps.
I am not very tech-savvy and so I keep reading and re-reading the above options but it is hard for me to understand how to upload the book to "whatever library" as stated in option 2 because when I tried to it told upload in the memories I was told it was too big.
Perhaps it will help to start out with easier questions: What is the book title, author, publisher, etc?