Correct indexing errors • FamilySearch many cases, you can correct indexing errors in historical records.
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If a record shows an Edit button, you can submit a correction. Not all records have the option.
Is there an error on the original record or in the index? Errors on historical records cannot be corrected. It is the job of genealogists and historians to evaluate contradictory evidence and decide which is correct. So for example, if 10 other records say Cleo Hampson and this one record says Cleo Thompson, it is safe to assume that the correct spelling is Hampson.
Some errors in indexes can be correct, as @Áine Ni Donnghaile mentioned. This is only possible for some collections and depends on legal reasons and IT issues.
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Here are a couple of "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch':
I hope this also helps, somewhat.