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Hola a todxs,
Estoy buscando dónde podría encontrar Listas de pasajeros Barcos que llegaron a Colombia alrededor 1880s. Específicamente: llegadas a los puertos de la costa (Barranquilla) desde el Medio Oriente.
I am looking for information on passengers who arrived in Colombia at around the 1880s. I am specifically interested in arrivals to the Caribbean coast (Barranquilla) from the Middle East.
Gracias / Thank you!
Spanish to English
Colombia ± 1880: Listas de Pasajeros de Barcos / Ship Passenger Lists
I'm looking for where I could find Passenger Lists Ships that arrived in Colombia around 1880s. Specifically: arrivals to coastal ports (Barranquilla) from the Middle East.
I am looking for information on passengers who arrived in Colombia at around the 1880s. I am specifically interested in arrivals to the Caribbean coast (Barranquilla) from the Middle East.
Thank you / Thank you!
[ English ]
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Question: Have you tired the 'FamilySearch' "Research Wiki"?
Possibly this ...
Good Luck.
I hope this might help.
[ Spanish / x ]
Soy solo otro usuario / patrocinador 'humilde' ...
Pregunta: ¿Ha cansado el "Wiki de investigación" de 'FamilySearch'?
Posiblemente esto ...
[ Colombia Emigración e Inmigración ]
Buena suerte.
Espero que esto ayude.
Thank you all for your answers so far. I have checked on the links above but have not yet been able to find anything there. It would be great to have ship lists digitised. Speak soon, M.
This is an exciting subject. The link doesn't show anything that provides access to Colombian ship passenger lists. Is any webpage that offers records of this style?