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The thing I don't want to do is add to your frustration by not responding well. The Search features have changed and will take 'some getting used to'. You may prefer to setup a virtual consultation with FamilySearch consultants that can help you find the records you are relocating. You can schedule this at
I hope this brings a smile to you - cheer up!
Genthusiast, Thank you for your response, but to be honest there is NO good reason why a person should not be able to put in a name, date, and information now as before and not see the same records. There is NO good reason for the algorhythms to throw up screen after screen of information which does not match what has been asked for (ie. completely different names, dates, and locations). Setting up a virtual consultation? Do they realize how many people are having the same issue that I am having? To make changes to the search features and not explain them helps no one. There is no option with the consultations to cover this. You either have to book as you know nothing about Family Search or book for another option that is valid either. Sorry, but I need help now and that will not be possible. At least before I could call someone, but now that has been taken away. I do not even see an option to email in for assistance anymore. Progress is not progress when people can't use it. I needed to find information for my mother today who has broken her hip and is trying to get through physical therapy in a strange environment which is not easy with dementia.
So the Contact Us information is not available from your location?
I am aware the UK phone option "discontinued as of September 1, 2021" - if that is why you cannot call I am sorry.
Here is the explanations of current features and tips for best results when Searching:
I would offer to help more but am already late for sleep - I need rest. I apologize I could not help resolve it for you but there are many good Community contributors that I am sure can help further.
Thanks, genthusiast.
Does anyone else have any suggestions?
I just read through the suggestion that genthusiast provided:
but I already do this and have done this since the change. None of this is working.
We am so sorry that this is happening to you. Changes to a specific process can be upsetting and the changes to the new Search Records feature has been very challenging.
Can you provide a specific example so we can understand better what you are experiencing? Can you provide the steps you took that provided you with the results you got? Also, what results were you searching for?
The new updates came from a great amount of research and planning to make the process of searching easier for all users. Please give it some time and try to experiment with the new features. Below are some articles that may be of help to understand the new changes.
How do I filter the search results in historical records
How do I change how search results in historical records are formatted
We also always encourage feedback, especially as we are working on upgrading some of our services. Please feel free to express your frustration and give specific suggestions to the engineers. You can do this by clicking on the Ideas tab found on the left hand column on Communities. Click on the Records section and then click on new idea.