I have gone into the above link and I have had no problem, when did you last clear your FamilySearch cookies. By not clearing them on a regular basis it stop many of the FamilySearch functions from operating correctly or not at all. I would ask to to try this fiist Tomas.
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'Yes' ...
You are CORRECT that "Image" is ... Image Unavailable. This image is unavailable for online viewing at this time.
The ACTUAL Underlying URL, that is associated with the URL, that 'Tomas' provided is:
NOT that of:
As such ...
I would suggest that, the "Images" associated with that particular Film are (Very) "Restricted"; or, possibly, the "Contractual Agreement/Arrangement" between, the "Custodian" of the Record(s); and, 'FamilySearch', may be being; or, has been, renegotiated.
"Slovakia Church and Synagogue Books, 1592-1935," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-D4WQ-JQY?cc=1554443&wc=9PQ7-MNP%3A107654301%2C113969601%2C161081101%2C950197701 : 3 July 2014), Roman Catholic (Rímsko-katolícká cirkev) > Sobrance > Tibava > Baptisms (Krsty) 1879-1883, Marriages (Manželstvá) 1837-1871 Deaths (Úmrtia) 1837-1885, Marriages (Manželstvá) 1872-1931 > image 1 of 538; Odbor Archivnictva (The Archives of the Republic), Slovakia.
Just my thoughts.
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FS has been locking down on its all-or-nothing privacy enforcement lately, so the problem is that last bit: "Marriages 1872-1931". Slovakia has an across-the-board 100-year privacy law.
This discussion has been closed.