How can I find photos of relatives that I have basic info like birth & death dates

How can I find photos of relatives that I have basic info like birth & death dates
Best Answer
With whatever ancestral information you have, enter this into the Search All Records form in Ancestry at:
Tick the Photo's and Maps Checkbox and then Click the Orange Search Button: example below
This search may provide photos associated with your ancestors.
@MaryKendley MaryKendley
Are you referring to Photographs, on 'On-Line', on the INTERNET?
Or, are you referring to Photographs, in "Memories", in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'?
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generally speaking family photos are most likely to be found among extended family - your chances of find them by contacting extended family would be much greater than just doing some general google search.
That being said - The internet and FamilySearch can also be a great tool in helping you connect with that extended family.
give us a little background on your family and situation and maybe we can point you at some possibilities.
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have you looked at your family tree in FS
and noted the Memories section to see if anyone has uploaded photos for people on your family tree?
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