What is the easiest way to find a knowldge article - either by subject or reference number?

Without providing a link, a post was recently added to Community, showing both subject matter and article reference number. In spite of this, there seems no simple way to locate this article. Any suggestions, please?
(The question is a general one, but I am raising it after reading https://community.familysearch.org/en/discussion/93610/error-in-article-id-985)
Best Answers
We're sending you a private message with some suggestions.
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As an aside ...
And, just in relation to the post (and, in particular the corresponding "Knowledge Article"):
"Ideas" Section
'Topic' = "Other"
Home > Ideas > Other
Error in Article ID 985?
The REASON that you will NOT find that particular "Knowledge Article" in SIMPLY; because, that "Knowledge Articles" pertains to "Temple" Work; and, as such, that "Knowledge Articles" is only accessible by Users/Patrons, who are Members of the Church.
I hope this helps.
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It is the same problem that all of us are having. We put in Holocaust and 252 articles were the result. When you are in the Help Center, scroll down to search by topic to limit the results that you see. Example- I chose Temple topic and only 7 results came up, choose Search Records and only 2 show. Hope this helps. Good luck
We no longer have reference numbers for KA's. You must search using the subject.
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Thank you. That partly answers the question. However, not how to search by subject!
Using this example, I went to "Help Center" and entered "Jewish Holocaust" in the Search box. This produces 197 results. So, is there any suggested way to get to the article in question? (Previously known as article 985)
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I believe that DebDT may have meant search by Topic. After you click on the Question Mark, then click on Help Center at the bottom of the pop-up screen. This will open up the Help Center landing page. At the bottom of the page you will see Search by Topic. Click on View All and then you can select the topic that best fits your article. This will allow you to get a shorter list of articles to search through.
We do not have a way to find an article for you based on the article number. If you can give us the title or more information, we can try to assist you in finding the article you are looking for.
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I, know 'Paul' (have done for some time now); and, I am often in contact with 'Paul' ...
(1) 'Paul' is an experienced User/Patron.
(2) I have already advised why, 'Paul' cannot 'see'/access, the the particular "Knowledge Article", in question.
The real 'crux', of the matter, is that the "Help Centre", is ever changing; and, not always for the better.
The "Help Centre" has been very problematic; and, at some times, almost impossible, to use, over the Years.
There are 'Good' times; and, there are 'Bad' times.
Hopefully, eventually, we will get there, with the "Help Centre".
[ ie. "User Friendly"; and, easy to use ... ]