How do I delete a person in my tree????????
Best Answers
If you just created the profile in error, and nobody else has touched it, then there should be a "delete person" choice on the detail page, in the Tools section of the gray strip down the left-hand side.
If it says "delete person unavailable", then you'll need to fix it rather than deleting it. For this, you need to first of all figure out why you want to delete the profile, keeping in mind that on FamilySearch, there is no "my tree" or "your tree": it's all one tree, intended to eventually/ideally have one -- and only one -- profile for every person who has ever lived.
If you think the profile is for a person who never existed, then you'll probably end up merging it with whichever sibling or spouse engendered the error. (Use "Merge by ID", again in the Tools section of the left-hand menu.)
If you think the person existed, but has the wrong relationships, you'll need to edit those relationships. If you don't know the correct ones, you can just leave the profile "floating" in the tree, and hope that eventually an actual relative will find it and connect it or merge it with the correct family.
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Hello @MargaretStewart20.
It sounds like you want to delete relationships, rather than individuals. While I don't understand about an identity being created for you, keep in mind that no one can see your record or connection to your father and his family because you are a living person.
Also, remember that a person in Family Tree can have more than one set of parents -- biological, step, foster, guardian, adoptive. Those designations can be set as such.
Aliases or alternate names can be entered in Other Information, if you felt that was appropriate for any particular individual.
Here are some knowledge articles that might provide insight or relevant information:
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Yes, that helps. Many people working in clandestine work for the armed forces created "safe" identities with the go ernments cooperation for children. This was so that if the soldier or airman was captured threats against the child could be used to extract military secrets from the captive. My family worked for the British SOE. A couple of years ago my father told me who my biological father was. So I thought I should do a completely new tree hoping for more information. But from what you've said I can just put in a biological father's name as well as the father on my birth re ord. So that's what I will do, thanks.
Thanks very much. I have to delete my father and his entire family since I was born during the Second World War and an identity was created for me. This happened to many children born during that time who were orphans or otherwise considered to be at risk if their real families were known. So I guess even though I delete the father I then have to go in and delete everybody one by one? I thought that if I deleted him then his whole chain would go as well? Anyway, thanks for answering my question.
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You shouldn't delete profiles that are for actual, correct people. If they're in Family Tree as deceased but are actually living, you should correct that by clicking Edit next to the Death field on the profile's Details page, and marking the circle next to "Living". (Which technically means that you're notifying FamilySearch of the error so that they can correct it. In my limited experience, they do so within a day, two at most.)