Surname help please - Middlesex, England

I am having difficulty reading this handwriting, please could you help with entries 7 (9th Dec) and 10 (12th Dec). Thank you, Pam
Best Answer
Hi Pam
I like a challenge! For entry 7, I see Newman. Entry 10 is tougher but I think it is Pembroke - the Pem is reasonable easy to see once you've tuned in to the handwriting; the b doesn't look like a b until you look at the b in the scrawled word Labourer in the Trade column; the r is then obvious; the final oke is open to interpretation but that's what I'd go for. (There is a matching birth record for Samuel Pembroke in the civil birth registration index.)
Hope my sleuthing helps.
Oh my! This is really challenging writing. I'm looking at this and will edit my post later. . .
Update: I've asked some others to take a look also.
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I thought it might be Pembroke!
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This is a good one. I see "Pembroth". Let the spirit be your guide.
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Or you could use the wildcards and index Pembro*
Some information may be difficult to read because of damage to a document or other factors. You can represent unreadable information in various ways, depending on how much information is unreadable.
One character
If you are unable to read 1 letter or number, use a question mark (?) to replace the unreadable letter or number.
- Example: H?ndley
Multiple characters
For consecutive unreadable letters or numbers, use an asterisk (*) to replace the unreadable group of letters or numbers.
- Example: Di*son
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Here's the answer I got from someone else who looked at your batch:
"I believe #7 is Thomas Newman, of George and Mary Ann; and #10 is Samuel Pembrooke, of James and Matilda."
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Hello everyone, Thank you for all that information. It certainly was a great help. Having had another look, I am going for Pembroke as the 'th' in Elizabeth has a crossing on the 't', as do other 't' s.
Newman is of course Newman, but what a leap that was, thank you all