City Directory city name
When indexing City Directories, if the city is not named in the heading should it be listed if found in advertising or in the content of the directory? I have been leaving the City name blank if not listed in the page heading. To further clarify my question, I have discovered that multiple cities can be listed in the content. For example, San Francisco, Oakland, and Alameda are listed in separate entries.
Best Answer
I would say no, if it’s not listed at the top. Certainly not if found in ads, and 99% of the time also if found in other content. If you see sub-groupings by municipalities, raise the question again and we can get FS Support to weigh in on that rare case.
From “What to Remember About This Project”
- Do not use places listed in an advertisement as the directory place.
The correct spelling for the city of Habana, Cuba is with "b" not with "v". The last letter is used in the English spelling. In Spanish the spelling of the name of the city is the same as in the other standardized cities of Latin America with the same name: HABANA.