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I am trying to confirm my family tree my grandparents along with my father and his 2 brothers went out to Southern Rhodesia (Zimbwe) in 1928 with great expecations. sadily my gran passed away in1931 leaving my grandfather with 3 young boys to bring up. He remarried Una ? (I suspect Una Jay Richards) they had a son Edward James who sadliy died one day old from malaria on the 14th & 15th September 1938 in Umtali. I am trying to confirm his mother and when my grandfather remarried. Allen
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On my account, my husband's ID is (example) ABCD-123, while on his account, his ID is EFGH-456. So his doesn't match up to my account. Why is that?? And then I look at his Dad, who has passed, and his Dad ID on his (husband) acct. is IJKL-789, while his Dad's ID on my acct. is MNOP-012. His Dad's work is showing as done on my husband's acct., but not done on mine.
This is so stupid!! Why are they not the same?? How can I delete it all, and start over??
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Living persons in FamilyTree cannot be seen any other that this who add it there.
This means that for your husband there are a lot of duolicates 1. One person of himself 2. As your husband 3. all of your childen and their husbands/wifes and grand childen and other relatives may add hm to their Family Tree.
So there could be vere very many duplicates. This is because living persons are very private there and all those duplivates are private and others that the "owner" or this can newer see them.