How do I change my display name for Community Groups?
@Cynthia W N
Short Answer:
That would be your "Contact Name" (not "Display Name") which can be "Changed" through the "Settings" of your NORMAL 'FamilySearch' Account.
There are basically Four (x4) 'Different' Name formats, in 'FamilySearch', for Users/Patrons.
They are:
(1) Full ( Legal ) Name = Used to 'Create' a 'FamilySearch' Account;
...... usually, one's FULL 'Legal' name ... [ Always "Private", for your eyes only ]
(2) UserName = Used to "Sign In" ... [ Always "Private", for you eyes only ]
(3) Contact Name = Name that OTHER Users/Patrons see displayed for you...
...... [ Always "Public" ]
(4) Display Name = Name that is Displayed, on YOUR pages/screens,
...... for your 'FamilySearch' Account ... [ Always "Private", for your eyes only ]
All those "Names" can be "Changed" in YOUR "Settings" in your 'FamilySearch' Account.
Now ...
That said ...
The "Contact Name" appearing TWICE is a particular 'quirk' of the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, it is not a problem/issue in the other parts of 'FamilySearch'.
That "Contact Name" for you can be "Changed" through YOUR "Settings", in your 'FamilySearch' Account (ie. NOT the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum).
Just Make sure there are two (x2) names, such as, a "Space" between Given and Surname; OR, one name with a "Space" and a 'Character' [any 'Character': eg. "." (ie. "Full Stop"/"Period")].
Otherwise you will end up with what you have now ... pscslp pscslp ... in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum
In the "Contact Name", the reason for the two (x2) names and the space is that, this required for (Alphabetically) "Sorting" a User's/Patron's "Contact Name" within the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum - BUT, such it is NOT a requirement for the other Parts of 'FamilySearch'.
Remember: The "Community.FamilySearch" Forum is still an ongoing 'work in progress'; and, still evolving, every day.
I am do going to try and even debate why (lets not go there) ...
That is just what we have to do to work with the "FamilySearch.Communities" at the moment ...
I hope this helps.
ps: Here is a post from an "Official 'FamilySearch' Represntative" on the matter:
Mark MITCHELL (FamilySearch)
11 September 2020
I know many of you are frustrated that your username in the community is showing twice. First, I will tell you why this is and then I can tell you how to fix it. We found in the community that if we only had the names that were a single word put together then it would not be alphabetized properly because a single name ends up in the last name field. By showing that name as a first and last name, we were able to get it to alphabetize, but now we see the doubled names you are see in the system today. Here are the steps to get rid of this problem.
- Got to and sign in
- Click on your name in the upper right corner and choose Settings
- Change your contact name to something with two names for example John Johnson instead of johnjohnson.
In a day or so the system will update your name in the community and your contact name will show as you type it.
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Log into FamilySearch (where your tree is located - Not in the Community page). Click on the circle or your picture at the top right of the screen next to the bell. Select settings. Under settings where it shows contact name, edit it to what you want. To prevent the double entry enter a space somewhere in the name you choose, this will prevent the double entry. If you run the name you choose all together it will result in a double entry. eg pecsip could be pe csip or like in my case rather than CarolAnn1, I made it V=Carol Ann1.
Hope this answers your question. Thanks for being part of the Community.
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Success! Thank you for your help with this 😊
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Thank you for taking the time to clarify this. Your information was very helpful and I was able to change everything easily.
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