I have a question about genealogy in a specific area of the world.
How do I best ask the question so that the right people with the right expertise will see and answer the question.
Although there is nothing saying you couldnt ask the question there in this "General Questions Group" - you are often much better often - submitting your question to a specific group that has been created for a specific subject/country/region
Here is a list of of all the current Groups in the community.
Note that in the next few weeks there will be a major chnage in the community
but the same principle that there are various groups for various topics/areas will continue to be the same going forward.
also note on each group home page there will be a link where by you can JOIN / UNJOIN
a group in the upper right hand corner.
NOTE however - you do NOT need to join a group - to be able to ask a question in that group - and even if you dont join - you will still be able to see repsonses to your question in such group.
If the topic in general is an on going interest to you - indeed it may make perfect sense to join - but what happens is sometimes people just have a speicifc question they want answered and they think they have to join the group - and then they get tons of emails of other people posting other questions to the same group - and they never realized all these posts that they would be getting by joining the group - when all they wanted to do was to get a question answered.
If you want to join the group - GREAT
if you just want an answer to a single specific question - you dont have to join the group - but you can still post a question to a specific gropup and get it answered in that group.
@How to Use FamilySearch Community
@How Things Work
@Yancey/Yancy Family Genealogy
@Surname Specific Family History Research
@Community Group Leaders
I know I see in my own group that when a question is asked in the General Question Group they tag a more specific group to help answer. Say you asking about South Carolina they tag both groups Southern States and South Carolina to help assist. Did that answer your question?
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I wasnt really asking a question
I was giving BOTH a sample question and the corresponding answer
pointing out that a person doesnt have to join a group to be able to ask a question in the group.
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Here is a classic example of a user getting upset - becaue of the inundation of messages that they didnt expect - when maybe all they needed was an anwer to one speciifc question. (certain groups can generate a ton of messages)
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This is confusing because the attached post is the users first post ever. She wouldn't have gotten inundated with messages. I think it might be that when indexers click on Community from the indexing side to ask a question, they are directly sent to Indexing Chat. Then they have to sign into the community before asking a question and the join group tab is right there. I don't get a ton of messages from Indexing Chat and as you know am very active in the group. But, I have my settings so as not to get a bunch of messages from any group.
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. . . it depends how you have your notifications configured
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yes as soon as they join the group - I would think they get all the messages (even if they never asked a question)
but again it depends how they have their notifications configured.
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I just joined General Questions for the first time. It shows the notifications will be the weekly digest. I also joined another group that I had never posted in and got the same notification bar. I could change it to get more posts.
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im not sure the current default has always been there.