How do we generate a list of books that a specific FHC has? Also if a FHC shows they have a certain

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We're in the process of taking off the training that has been on some of our FHC computers for our staff, as well as a few other things. They will be on a master thumb (USB) drive, and anyone that asks about a master list of books and periodicals would be able to simply be given the thumb drive to plug in and browse such a list.
As a side note, we found that had packages of ten 16 gigabyte USB thumb drives for about $30. We bought them, and simply provide them at cost to patrons who need them, with a sign near our sign-in book announcing the availability. A $3.00 thumb drive is a bargain in most anyone's book, and the convenience has been very much appreciated in the FHC before we closed.
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We were instructed over a year ago to move to a "cashless" environment, and it was as a result of the audit instructions. We do not charge for anything--per the guidance from the Stake President and the Audit instructions. Anything purchased comes from budget (or Salt Lake for printer supplies, less paper). The audit is the determining criterion; it establishes the conditions under which we are authorized to handle funds of any type.
I just made an excel listing of mine and try to keep it up to current as I can. I am trying to purge some older stuff so I will probably have to redo the list after that is finished. As far as I know there is not a master list from FS about what we should have. They do not want a large collection due to limited space. It should be b ased on the local research in your area. We have a lot of Poland research so many of ours relate to that.
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I did find a KA regarding "Handling requests for corrections to the FamilySearch Catalog." So I escalated her case so the books that their FHC are suppose to have but don't can be removed. Thanks for your answers.
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We too use an excel spreadsheet but now are moving it to Office Libre as Microsoft Office is not FamilySearch approved. We have it on one computer but have shared aread only version with all computers in the centre. We did the same with the films thst we still have.
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Hate to say this, but per the guidance Elder Richens has recently given we are not supposed to have any files on any of the FHC computers. They are supposed to be maintained on a thumb drive rather than on the hard drive. If I have misunderstood, I'm sure Elder Richens will clarify.
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We use it's easy to add, takeaway, and easy for patrons.we have a link on our wiki page and the link is posted near the computers.
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How do you sell them to patrons. We have been instructed by the church auditor, not to sell anything and not have a cash drawer
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I'm surprised by this. I have to fill out an audit form every year for our center. It's an official church doc.
We charge .05 cents for copies. Missionaries get free copies as long as they are responsible in their copying. We also look for deals on thumb drives and just charge cost but ours are usually just 1 2 gig. We don't make any money of course unless we get donations. There are strict guidelines about that too.
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We just had our audit and the main item on the agenda was NO cash of any kind. We cannot charge for copies. It has to come out of our annual budget. Could someone give us a definitely response to this.????
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@PatriciaHoyrup PatriciaHoyrup Simple. We purchased 10 for $29.99 via Amazon Prime, therefore no shipping cost, and we merely have patrons reimburse us for the cost ($3.00/unit). We issue them a receipt, just as we do for copy costs. That follows what is printed in the Family History Center Operations Guide, page 32:
"Fee Charges
Centers may charge a fee for at-cost items and printouts. Printout fees should cover the cost of toner cartridges, paper, and maintenance and repair costs."
We have never been instructed by our stake auditors that there is any other procedure than that officially written in the Family History Center Operations Guide for handling funds, collecting copy costs, etc. So we follow that as official policy. I would actually be concerned about a "free copies" policy. That would almost invite abuse by some who don't mind using other people's money.
If we're given a written official policy change by my stake leaders that specifically says the Family History Center Operations Guide is no longer a valid publication and that we are to go "cashless" as others say they've been instructed, or at least that the chapter on finances and copy costs has been superseded, we'll then follow the official updated guidance. But until then, we're following the welfare principle and conducting non-profit reimbursement as usual, allowing patrons to be responsible for paying for what they use as printed in the manual. Our exception is that we do not charge anyone for printing out an ordinance slip. 😊
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Not meaning to be argumentative, but everyone acknowledges that the Operation Guide is out of date and requires revision; I believe the last revision was circa 2015? The audit instructions, on the other hand, are current from Salt Lake at the beginning of each audit cycle. I would defer to the audit instructions as current guidance.
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@WilbergClarkN WilbergClarkN And I'm not being argumentative in response. As I said, if/when I'm instructed by my stake leaders that there is a new policy, we'll follow it. And yes, the Operations Guide is 2015, and many have acknowledged that it needs updating. But I've never seen anything that has actually stated it should no longer be followed. And as stated previously, I've never been instructed otherwise specifically regarding Chapter 7 of the Operations Guide. In fact, I was just audited about a week ago by a stake auditor, the cash drawer procedures were discussed, and that was that. There was nothing brought up about any changes.
The above discussion is the first I've seen any suggestion of changes to Chapter 7, and with this forum not being an official policy source per Elder Richins, I'll merely follow official written policy sources. If someone in our stake or area leadership failed to disseminate a new official policy, I'm certainly not responsible for it until I receive it through proper channels. 😉
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I agree; all we can do is follow the guidance we have received. Our cases differ because our local leaders have taken differing approaches, and we are bound to follow their guidance. 🙂
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Your link opens something in Discovery, Jennifer. This one seems to work:
Thanks for you comment. It was helpful to me.